The 2022 Math and AI 4 Girls Award Ceremony will be on Saturday, June 18th, 2022 at 2PM EST.​
Many thanks to our gracious sponsors: HPE, Automation Anywhere, JPMorgan Chase and D.E. Shaw. We would also like to thank our partners, MathCounts and AI4ALL.
Finally, this year's competition wouldn't be possible without our wonderful team members: Yunseo Ha, Kira Lewis, Chinmayi Goyal, Maggie Bai, Snigtha Mohanraj, Andrea Chen, Ivy Guo, Daria Bondarenko, and Sailalitha Kodukula. These girls, a group drawn exclusively from last year's top scorers, have been exemplary in their talent, passion and thoughtfulness.
Award Recipient List:
Top 10:
1st Place: Amritha Praveen, IL, 6th grade​
2nd Place: Kira Lewis, NY, 8th grade
3rd Place: Advika Asth

The competition is OPEN now! Click the "apply" button above to get started. Thank you for your patience!
Info Session
Join us for a live Zoom info session on March 30, 2025 at 4 PM CT / 5 PM ET / 2 PM PT! Meet the MA4G team, learn more about this year’s competition, and get your questions answered.
Sign up here to receive the Zoom link.
Join our discord:
Competition Goal
The Math and AI Girls Competition aims to encourage young girls to develop an interest in math and AI by taking part in STEM competitions at an early age. This competition also aims to encourage long-term planning of academic and career goals in STEM. The competition is open to middle school female students. Award recipients are selected based on their aptitudes, activities and aspirations in STEM.
US Citizen (including Green Card holders), currently residing in the US
Female middle schoolers (5th - 8th grade), enrolled in a school or homeschooled
15 years old or younger
Not a previous grand (1st place) winner
Competition Dates
Applications open March 22nd, 2025 and close April 26th, 2025
Winners will be announced in June 2025, during an online award ceremony
Application format
Application is completely free of charge
Applicants should first create an account on Submittable, an online application portal. Applicants can then apply online
Application requirement
Personal info including name, address, email, phone number, guardian information, school, grade and age. We ask that you provide a picture and a short bio, which we will post on the website if you are chosen as an award recipient.
Exact questions TBD.
Judging criteria and scoring
Your application will be assessed out of 100 points. Exact details TBD.
For the challenge problem set, each question is worth 5-10 points, and in order to earn full credit, you need to provide the right answer and show your work in a logical and concise manner.
For the essays, we are looking for students who can demonstrate a genuine interest in STEM, and someone who wants to pursue STEM in their future academic and career choices
When can I apply?
The application season starts on March 22nd, 2025 and ends on April 26th, 2025
How will my application be scored?
See judging criteria above
Is my application free?
Yes, application is completely free
Do you require other information like a transcript or recommendation?
No. The only information we ask are the responses to the challenge problems and your essays, as well as a photo and a short bio.
What happens if I do not have reliable internet access; can I submit the application offline?
Yes, you may complete the application offline and mail in the application. Please contact us at, our mailing address.
What can I use my award money for?
You can use it to buy books, enroll in an online course, put it aside for college, or even buy a new toy! Basically, use the prize money to celebrate you and your accomplishments!
What happens after I submit my application?
Answers and explanations will be posted on
Online award ceremony date (in June) will be announced in April after the application closes. The top 10 winners will be announced then at the ceremony
All winners will also be listed on this website
How will I receive my prize money and / or prizes?
Once we announce the winners, we will mail you your prize money (as a check) and your award certificate / any prizes. We reserve the right to verify your identity.
Contact info
Questions can be submitted within the Submittable application portal
Questions can also be emailed to

Past Competition Info

Event Sponsors and Partners